Getting Immediate Medical Attention Can Make or Break Your Personal Injury Claim

When accidents happen, the rush of events can leave little time for victims to think about their next steps. However, the decision to seek immediate medical attention after an accident is more than just a health concern; it directly impacts the success of a personal injury claim. This post dives into why prompt medical care is not just a good idea but a crucial step in protecting your rights and future. The Read More

Tips For Having A Successful Family Law Consultation 

An initial consultation with a family lawyer is a significant step, and being prepared makes a substantial difference. Understandably, this may be your first time meeting with an attorney, and because it’s a family law case, it is likely happening during a difficult time in your life. It is easy to be overwhelmed. However, the goal of your consultation is to get a chance to speak to the person representing you. Read More

Unique Considerations For A Military Divorce

When divorces involve a military member, there are unique considerations to be made for those military families, especially when it comes to dividing assets. From a legal standpoint, military divorces are not fundamentally different from civilian ones. Both proceed through the same court systems and are subject to the same basic legal principles. In other words, a military divorce does not fall under the Uniform Code Read More

An Overview Of A Private Family Law Court Case: The Discovery Phase

The discovery phase is a pivotal stage in the legal process. It is not designed as a punishment for any party involved or to invade their privacy, but it may feel like both when you’re in the thick of a family law matter. Discovery is fundamental to ensuring a just and equitable resolution to your family law case. The true purpose of discovery lies in the ability to gather essential and relevant information. Both Read More

An Overview Of A Private Family Law Court Case: Temporary Hearings

Temporary hearings play a crucial role in family law cases. They provide immediate solutions and establish provisional orders that remain in place until a final decision is reached. These hearings are instrumental in settling pressing issues that must be resolved before the lengthy legal processes conclude. In family law, the need for swift and immediate decisions is often essential for the well-being of children, Read More

An Overview Of A Private Family Law Court Case

The unease and anxiety that come with a lack of familiarity and understanding of the legal process often amplifies many experiences during a family law case. It's common for individuals to work through legal terminology, paperwork, and procedures with little to no prior experience. This unfamiliarity breeds apprehension as people naturally fear what they don’t know, and, indeed, the stakes in family law—involving our Read More

Standing Beside the Wrongly Convicted in South Carolina

The legal system isn’t immune from missteps, which can lead to innocent individuals facing the possibility of a wrongful conviction. Such moments challenge our faith in the judiciary and question the tenets of justice and fairness. However, with its intricate legal provisions and a passionate community of advocates, South Carolina has proven that it is committed to righting wrongs. This applies to post-conviction Read More

Domestic Violence Allegations: The Role of Witness Testimony and Defense Strategies

Domestic violence is a grievous crime that has profound consequences for both victims and people who are (falsely) accused of it. It’s important to discuss and highlight some of the nuances of domestic violence cases, particularly in the context of witness testimonies and prospective defense strategies. The attorneys at Cate & Brough understand the intricate dynamics of such issues and the importance of a Read More

Putting You At Ease Regarding Child Custody

When parents face the prospect of a divorce, two of their biggest concerns are tied to either custody of their child or the future of their finances. In this post, we are going to address the former. To give you some peace of mind, we want you to be aware that the child custody laws in South Carolina are designed to protect the best interests of the children involved in the divorce.  The “Best Interests of Read More

Stacking The Deck In Your Personal Injury Case

Regarding personal injury cases, documentation is critical in terms of the outcome of the claim. Because of our significant experience with these cases, we have firsthand experience with people's challenges after sustaining an injury. Although we will always be committed to delivering the best representation, some elements require the victim’s participation. After an injury, securing a settlement relies on you Read More